This is our live action demo reel which also includes elements of our animation and motion graphics capabilities.
For a quick overview of our full animation and motion graphics capabilities please watch out our demo reel video. :)
Animation Reel
projects that are broken down. They are presented as thumbnails that lead to a page with more info about that specific project.
This started off as a hobby when we had some downtime. It wasn’t for a client and it didn’t make any money but it made our Instagram feeds look cool. Then one day, people started asking if we could do it for them, and they gave us money. And now we’re happy to let you know that if you feel like giving us money, we’ll be more than happy to take your still photos and bring them to life, just like these!
Maybe you’re not ready to go “full video”. Or maybe you already have and now you want to mix things up a little bit with some still shots. While we consider video to be our meat and potatoes we encourage you to supplement your social media feed with a good photo every now and then. It’s great for giving your consumers some variety and even better for testing user engagement habits.
We are a full service video production company. Which means you’re dealing directly with the people who are handling every aspect of your project from beginning to end. From the concept, to the script, to the storyboard, to the casting, to the scheduling, to the shooting, to the editing, to the delivery. Choosing not to outsource ensures speedy completion of projects and a consistent tone that can sometimes be compromised when too many hands are on the wheel.
Let’s become actual friends.
Let’s face it.. If you didn’t need our help, you wouldn’t be here. That being said, if we didn’t need your help, we wouldn’t be here either…
Here’s how we look at it. When we need video work, we enlist ourselves, and it always seems to work out for us. So if you’re looking to have some video work done, we know that we’ll work out for you as well.
Get in touch with us today! Or tomorrow, whatever’s better for you. Fill out the form below or email Alex at:
Video Production - Animation - Motion Graphics - Animated Photos - Consulting - Marketing